At Costhetics, we love surprises, but not when it comes to the aftermath of a cosmetic treatment.

We want to know what’s coming so we can prepare mentally, physically, and financially, too. As Australia’s leading resource for news and information on cosmetic surgery and aesthetic enhancement, we wanted you to know more about microneedling in case you are eager to try it to

  • Remove lines
  • Smooth wrinkles
  • Reduce acne scars

Medical vs Cosmetic Microneedling

Many people swear by at home skin care with a dermal roller. Costhetics always says to each his/her own. However, we also say that for maximum rejuvenation results, microneedling in a clinic is the clear winner. Medical microneedling goes deeper than cosmetic needling, allowing for a deeper penetration of topical serums, the skin’s absorption of vitamins, enzymes, lipids, and other ingredients is enhanced. The repair process begins almost immediately…

Microneedling is serious medical business. For this reason it may only be performed by a:

  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • Medical aesthetician

“A trained professional will also ensure the device is properly sterilised so you don’t end up with nasty consequences,” reports the Huffington Post. “Better results mean you don’t have to do it as often, and one treatment every couple of months should be sufficient unless you have deep acne scars or brown spots that need more care.”

Post-Microneedling Questions & Answers

Patients don’t always do their homework and learn all they can about microneedling before agreeing to the procedure. (Naughties!) Ultimately, the skin rejuvenation benefits are excellent, but things aren’t quite so wonderful in the immediate aftermath.

  • OMG, why is my face bleeding? – Microneedling uses itty bitty needles to pinprick the skin. These itty bitty perforations can sometimes emit an itty bitty amount of blood. No worries.
  • Yikes, why is my skin coming off in sheets? – Post-microneedling, you can expect your body to exfoliate (naturally slough off) dead skin cells. Peeling is actually a good sign. It tells you that your cell turnover is underway and youthful new skin is in the works.
  • Why do I look like I have sunburn? – Skin redness after microneedling is common and generally disappears within a day or so. The redness may linger longer if your treatment protocol was especially aggressive.
  • Why did I lose my acne scars, but gain more acne? – Microneedling is an excellent treatment for acne scars, but primarily for people who are not troubled by active breakouts. For patients whose acne is active, microneedling can actually spread bacteria into the skin, leading to an unpleasant flare-up. Discuss your situation with your aesthetician to determine whether another acne scar and skin rejuvenation treatment might be better for you.
  • Why does my skin feel weird? – When any topical anaesthetics or sedation wears off, you may be surprised when you realise your skin looks and feels odd. There may be swelling, bruising, and even some roughness caused by the treatment. They all dissipate in a matter of days.
  • Can you see the pinpricks in my face? – It’s not uncommon for the small, controlled micro-injuries caused by microneedling to make themselves known…briefly. They clear up in a few days, and even more quickly if you have the treatment performed using platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
  • Why does my skin look like a waffle iron? – A skin reaction known as gridding is common with patients who are sensitive to skin trauma. (If you’re someone who has a dramatic reaction to insect bites, you’re a sensitive type.) Skin smooths out in 24-36 hours.

Use Your Noodle after You Microneedle

Microneedling is a relatively quick, easy, and painless way to improve your skin. You can get the most out of this treatment with Costhetics’ simple, post-microneedling skin care tips. The best part is: they’re good for your overall health, too!

  • Give Yourself a Break…from Products – stay away from AHA (alpha hydroxy acid) BHA (beta hydroxy acid), Retinol (Vitamin A), and any product that is referred to as ‘active’ skincare.
  • Don’t Grease the Wheel Too Soon – Stick to hyaluronic acid serum, petrolatum or lanolin ointment for the first 2-3 days.
  • Be Hyper-Aware of Sun Exposure – Microneedling does a number on the stratum corneum (the top layer of your skin). It will be especially vulnerable to damage, so avoid direct sunlight for at least 24 hours. The stratum corneum takes 28 days to replenish itself from the effects of microneedling, so hats and sunscreen should be used consistently for a month.
  • Drink Away Red Skin – Keep skin hydrated to help reduce inflammation and skin redness. Stay away from sugary and caffeinated beverages and let good old H20 do its magic
  • Minimise Swelling – Most patients experience a mild reaction to microneedling. A cold compress will help. (Remember to put a cloth between the compress and your bare, sensitive skin)
  • Hug the Shore – Don’t go swimming for at least 24 hours post-treatment. Costhetics urges you to lounge poolside, looking gorgeous, under a shady umbrella. (Cocktail not required)
  • Don’t Sweat It – Sweating and gym environments are like a slip-n-slide water park for bacteria. Work out at home to avoid adverse reactions.

Post-Microneedling: Is It Worth It?

The ease of post-microneedling care is one reason demand for this skin-saving procedure is growing. A gentle price point also adds to its allure. As to its ultimate value: only you can be the judge. In other words, “You do you.” Costhetics will love you whatever you decide.

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