In a perfect Costhetics world, the benefits of a facelift, liposuction, cosmetic injectables, and other cosmetic procedures would last forever.

In the real world, however, that’s simply not the case. Virtually every treatment or surgery you might choose will likely need a touch-up at some point. It might be necessary after a few months or after several years. This fact of life raises a question: is there anything you can do to prolong the benefits of a cosmetic procedure? The answer is yes!

What Costhetics discovered as we investigated the latest news and information on cosmetic surgery recovery definitely opened our eyes. That’s why we are sharing the importance of what patients can do to prolong cosmetic procedure benefits after surgeons work their magic.

Defining Terms

What is a cosmetic procedure? Good question and one we think the Better Health Channel answers best:

“Cosmetic procedures are performed to reshape structures of the body and to alter a person’s appearance. Like any form of surgery, cosmetic procedures need a medical practitioner trained in the procedure, including appropriate recovery time, healing and proper care. Risks include problems related to anaesthesia and surgery, excessive bleeding, infection, scarring and failure to heal.”

Currently, the most popular surgical procedures in Australia are breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, and liposuction. The most popular non-surgical enhancements include anti-wrinkle injections, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and fillers. Whatever procedure or treatment you choose, the following lifestyle and nutrition tips should help you enjoy the new you longer.

No Cosmeceuticals for 3 Days

Cosmetic procedures are hard on the skin, even when the results they deliver are outstanding. Surgical procedures, deep chemical peels and skin resurfacing with ablative lasers do controlled damage to the skin, leaving it broken or with open wounds. Even non-surgical treatments such as microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing with non-ablative lasers, muscle relaxing injections, and even fillers, cause some degree of injury.

While this is natural and to be expected, you need to adjust your skincare routine to pamper injured skin. It is important that you do not use topical medicines or cosmeceuticals for three days after your treatment. (Cosmeceuticals are a combination of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals with bioactive ingredients purported to have medical benefits.) These products are too harsh for injured skin and can interfere with healing, which will have negative repercussions in the long term.

No Smoking

Smoking is an enemy to your overall well-being. It will rob you of long-lasting cosmetic surgery benefits by interfering with blood flow. Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict, making it difficult for oxygen to get to the site of a surgical procedure or other cosmetic treatment. Patients are generally advised to stop smoking for a month prior to surgery. Why not keep a good thing going and just give up the habit for good? The benefits to your skin and health will continue to grow.

Make Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day

Adding eggs to your diet will go a long way towards helping you heal and maintaining your cosmetic surgery results. In addition to being delicious (and pretty), egg yolks reduce swelling and inflammation and promote recovery, because they are rich in antioxidants.

You don’t have to have eggs at breakfast, of course. Martha Stewart’s Classic Quiche is loaded with yolky goodness and makes a fine brunch, lunch, or dinner.

Lots of Eating

After having any cosmetic procedure, a healthy diet that includes certain foods can help speed up your recovery. You want to focus on nutrition so eat nutrition-rich fruits and veggies. Berries, for example, have antioxidants that rebuild collagen and strengthen the immune system. We like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and pomegranate seeds (technically not a berry, but so healthy). Omega-3 fats reduce and control inflammation and can be found in fatty fish such as salmon. Vegan or vegetarian? Go with hempseed, walnuts, and nut oils.

Steer Clear of the Sun

If you’re a regular visitor to Costhetics (and we hope you are!), you already know the importance of sun protection. Cosmetic surgery and treatments make what you’re already doing even more important. The skin around your incisions is particularly sensitive after surgery. If that skin gets sun-burned, it will darken scars (at best) and potentially cause skin tissue damage (at worst). UV light also breaks down collagen, an essential element to skin health and healing.

Give your body a chance to repair itself and it will reward you with longer-lasting benefits from your cosmetic surgery or treatment. Your doctor will give you specific guidelines, but it is generally wise to avoid direct and indirect sunlight for two to four weeks after surgery. Go to the movies, wear a broad-brimmed hat, and generally live the vampire lifestyle for the first month. After that, you can go back to your normal SPF-oriented skin care.

Bottoms Up!

There’s nothing like hydration to help you get the most for the longest time from your cosmetic surgery procedure. It helps flush surgical anaesthesia out of your system to help you feel more like yourself more quickly. More importantly, water helps blood carry nutrients to the site of your surgery or treatment. These nutrients promote healing and reduce stress on the body. Perhaps most importantly, hydration is needed to help drain wounds and heal incisions.

Don’t go overboard! Over-hydration will leave you feeling bloated and can reduce your sodium levels. Want to know if you’re doing it right? If your urine is dark yellow, you need more hydration. If it is pale yellow, you are good to go (literally). 2 litres of fluid is what most people need daily. That fluid can come either from beverages or from food. Lettuce, for example, has high water content. Our only admonition: Stay away from sugary drinks and coffee, which are dehydrating (and bad for your teeth).

Costhetics #1 Way to Love Your Cosmetic Procedure Results Longer

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: check your doctor’s credentials. An experienced, Board-certified doctor is your best choice for achieving long-lasting benefits from your cosmetic procedure.

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