We humans are a fickle bunch.

What’s hot today is not tomorrow, whether it’s women’s hemlines, men’s hairstyles, or cosmetic surgery. Costhetics is always on top of the latest news and information in the world of aesthetics. Right now, that news is a spike in cosmetic surgery reversals. Join Team Costhetics and take a look at which procedures may be losing their allure and why …

Breasts Join the Conservative Party

The removal of breast implants, called explant surgery in the medical world, appeals to more and more women from all walks of life. Celebrities such as Pamela Anderson (who almost single-handedly led the trend for enormous breast implants) are talking candidly about the decision to remove or resize their implants. Breast health is a key reason many give. “After one reconstructive surgery, and one implant that refused to settle right (even after reconstruction), my body was telling me it didn’t want these implants in,” posted Bachelor contestant Melissa Rycroft on Instagram.

Perhaps more importantly, tastes have changed in recent years, prompting stars like Anderson and Chrissy Teigen to downsize their voluptuous chests and go natural … or at least more natural than before, with smaller implants. That means breast implants are likely here to stay.

No Butts About It

Another victim of the downsizing trend in cosmetic surgery has been bums. For a while, Brazilian Butt Lifts were upping the game (and bums) of celebrities in growing numbers. Super-influencers like Kim Kardashian drove a generation of women to undergo liposuction and autologous fat transfer procedures to create a shapely, if utterly unnatural, bottom. More recently, all-natural full-bottomed influencers such as Lizzo are using their platform to encourage women to love themselves as they are. Serena Williams’ killer glutes on the tennis court are an inspiration to shape your body through athletics. Actress Sofia Vergara follows a strenuous daily schedule of reverse lunges, toes-out squats, and hip bridges to get what Women’s Health magazine calls a Sofia-level butt.

Want your own full, round, butt, but don’t want surgery? Aestheticians advise waiting a few years. Bums almost always get bigger naturally due to weight loss/gain, pregnancy, and plain old ageing. They also note that techniques for BBL are evolving for the better, allowing patients to obtain more satisfactory, proportional results.

Over-Filled and Underwhelmed by the Results

Too much is too much, is also a new perspective on facial fillers. Photographs of chubby baby-faces with their round, pinch-worthy cheeks are likely to have played a part in the development of the dermal fillers that social influencers adore. When applied judiciously, fillers do a marvellous job of restoring lost facial and lip volume associated with ageing. These new, more youthful contours helped influencers create striking still images for social posts. Now, however, Tik Tok and other videos are changing the face of fillers. Videos do not allow posters to control the angle at which they’re seen. As a result, the plump cheek that looks so good in a head-on still photo looks strangely misshaped when seen from the side.

The majority of dermal fillers are impermanent and can be dissolved with an injectable enzyme, but beware, in the hands of an unqualified injector, temporary fillers can leave you with long-lasting problems. Patients whose injectors have been over-filling their faces for years are at risk of a build-up of scar tissue and other skin irregularities. Reducing the volume of lip filler involves radiofrequency treatments over an extended period of time.

Answers to Your Cosmetic Surgery Questions

Have you been wondering about aesthetic enhancement and visiting online sites devoted to cosmetic surgery and non-surgical treatments? Have your travels left you feeling a bit tossed at sea? Costhetics understands. Your health and beauty are equally important and that’s why it’s important for you to find an experienced, dedicated doctor to answer your questions and perhaps fulfill your rejuvenation goals.

Not sure who to call? Call Costhetics. We know all the best people and can help you find a doctor in your area.

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