Costhetics conducted a quick online search on how to look 10 years younger and was immediately submerged in a multitude of miracle lotions and potions, as well as surgical procedures and non-invasive treatments.

This is our business, and we were bamboozled trying to figure out the best options. You, too? Don’t worry. You won’t be for long!

Costhetics is proud to be one of Australia’s leading independent information sources regarding all aspects of cosmetic enhancement. Our mission (and we love our work) is to help you understand more about the wide range of cosmetic procedures currently available and navigate you to the best option to achieve your enhancement goals.

The number of options and especially the nuances between different facelifts can be especially confusing. In this article we look at the differences between a thread lift and a facelift.

What is a Facelift?

“A facelift, also known as meloplasty or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that tightens and removes sagging skin on the face and neck,” says the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons on their website. Depending on an individual patient’s needs, a surgeon may recommend one of two types of face lifting techniques.

A standard or traditional facelift is an advanced surgical procedure that corrects deep wrinkles, sagging, skin, and other signs of facial ageing. The skin is gently pulled back at the temples. This removes wrinkles and sagging in the process and leaves the skin more toned. Excess skin is removed, and the incision is closed using sutures. An additional incision may be made under the chin to tighten the skin on the neck; this is known as a neck lift.

What is a Thread Lift?

A thread lift is a face-lifting procedure, but less invasive than a traditional facelift. It’s achieved through the use of medical-grade threads, similar to dissolvable stitches. The threads are inserted across the cheek, neck and other areas in need of lifting. Once inserted, they are gently pulled up, giving the patient a smoother and firmer appearance. Threads are made of absorbable materials to ensure they are broken down by the body in a safe and completely natural manner.

4 Pros and Cons of Facelift vs. Thread Lift

Facelifts and thread lifts each have their merits and drawbacks. In a head-to-head comparison, here’s how they match up: 

  • Invasiveness – A facelift is a surgical procedure that requires incisions to be made at certain parts of your face. These incisions are strategically made so they are not visible and once they heal, are difficult to spot.

A thread lift is less invasive surgery and requires a different type of incision. Threads are inserted into the skin without the need for deep cuts. Instead, the tension from the threads gives the skin a firmer aesthetic. No excess skin is removed, and the incisions are invisible

  • Longevity – A facelift provides the longest lasting results of all solutions to facial ageing, with benefits that can be enjoyed for up to 10 years.

A thread lift, depending on a variety of factors including the type of thread used and the amount of ageing prior to the procedure can take up to 10 years off your face for 6 to 18 months.

  • Recovery – As a facelift is a surgical procedure that involves heavier anaesthesia and leaves behind wounds which require time to heal, the recovery process is much longer than that of a thread lift. Experts recommend at least 2 weeks for complete recovery.

After undergoing a thread lift, the patient can leave the clinic and the go about their daily life immediately.

  • Results – A surgical facelift is very effective for people with prominent signs of ageing, who are typically in the age range of 35 – 65.

A thread lift can easily remove moderate signs of ageing and is targeted towards 30 to 50-year-olds.

Both treatments can achieve amazing results but it’s important to keep in mind that the results will vary depending on the individual. 

Cost – New product innovations and technology advancements have significantly reduced the cost of both cosmetic procedures in recent years. There is no exact price for each, as different practices, surgeons, and practitioners all have different fees and charges for their services. As a general guide:

  • You will usually pay between $7,500 and $30,000 for a facelift.
  • Prices for a thread lift range from $4,000 to $5,000.

But Costhetics, Which One Should I Choose?

Costhetics does not recommend one type of facelift over another. Ultimately the decision should be made based on:

  • Your rejuvenation goals
  • Your unique skin physiology
  • Your age
  • Cost considerations

The best way to make an informed decision is to consult with aesthetic professionals and get their opinions. If you don’t have a facial plastic surgeon on speed dial, we invite you to get in touch with Costhetics today. Our team, highly knowledgeable and extremely friendly, is here to assist you by providing all the information you need on cosmetic enhancement in Australia.

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