Team Costhetics has been eating up information on the connection between the condition of our skin and the content of our diet.

In an article on the link between nutrition and skin ageing, researchers reported that supplements can nourish your skin even when your diet does not.

In this article, Costhetics shows you how to use supplements to fortify your skin at any age and protect yourself from

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Dry, scaly skin
  • Age spots
  • Collagen loss

Costhetics#1 Supplement for Skin Health in Your 20’s

We were surprised to discover that skin replacement mechanisms have already begun to slow by the age of 20. This is due, in part, to fluctuations in oestrogen as well as external factors. We definitely believe that it’s never too late to start taking care of your skin, but this information reminded us that it’s never too early to start an anti-ageing program.

How you treat your skin at this critical time will have long-lasting effects. Costhetics recommends that you focus on skin health and maintenance with:

  • Fern Extract – There’s a new hero in town going by the name of Polypodiumleucotomos, or fern extract. A recent study found that fern extract acts as an antioxidant to protect the skin from oxidative damage caused by sun exposure.

Protecting your skin from the sun in your twenties will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sunspots in the years to come. Dosage is based on weight, so you should speak with your doctor if you are considering taking this supplement for skin health.

Costhetics #1 Supplement for Skin Health in Your 30’s

As we enter our thirties, skin changes are accelerating and become more visible. A new factor contributing to facial ageing is the loss of subcutaneous support. At this age, the skin may begin to lose tone, but it is the change in texture that can be most troubling.  Redness, adult breakouts, and rough, dry patches can be effectively treated with:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Known for their anti-inflammatory properties, Omega-3 fatty acids regulate oil production and keep your skin moist. One 2005 study found that EPA, a type of omega-3 found primarily in fish oil, helps block the release of ultraviolet-induced enzymes that eat away at your skin’s collagen, causing lines and sagging skin.

Fish oil is both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory agent. It can protect against sun damage and help repair it. The general guideline is500mg per day.

Costhetics #1 Supplement for Skin Health in Your 40’s

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body, until the clock on your chronological wall hits 40, and your collagen resources start to become depleted.  Collagen gives resilience and support to your skin. Without it, wrinkles and saggy skin become pronounced. Collagen production is a complex process requiring many parts to come together. At the top of the pyramid, however is

  • Vitamin C – Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C is essential. Without it, the body cannot efficiently synthesize the collagen it produces. When the key ingredients for collagen production are in place – amino acids, copper peptides, hormones, etc – Vitamin C accelerates the work they’re doing.

According to the Australian Ministry of Health, the recommended daily dosage of Vitamin C is 45mg for both men and women. Costhetics wants to remind readers that when it comes to this particular supplement, more of a good thing isn’t better. Too much Vitamin C can cause a range of digestive issues and affect a pregnant woman’s unborn baby.

Costhetics #1 Vitamin for Skin Health in Your 50’s & Beyond

After the age of 50, every organ of your body – including your skin – is under siege by free radicals. This makes an antioxidant-based supplement essential. Costhetics research team learned that skin care experts give top marks to

  • Curcumin– Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, the bright yellow spice you may know from Indian cuisine. By inserting itself inside the cell membranes, curcumin goes to work within the cells, fighting infections and cancers deep within the membranes.

Adding to the positive research about curcumin is a 2005 study from Ehime University in Japan. It suggests that turmeric extract protects skin from ultraviolet B radiation damage, too.

Don’t Forget Probiotics, the Good Bacteria

Probiotics, the microorganisms you may already know as an essential aid to digestion, are also living up to their nickname “healthful bacteria” by helping your complexion glow. Early research shows promise that probiotics taken orally can help treat or even prevent certain skin conditions.

Bacteria can be good (promoting health) or bad (causing infection). To boost your levels of good bacteria and introduce more skin-friendly probiotics into your life on a daily basis, consider:

  • Eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, miso, tempeh, kimchi, and sauerkraut
  • Taking a probiotic supplement

Before You Take a Supplement for Skin Beauty…

Supplements have shown to be valuable additions to our arsenal in the war for skin health. They do have risks, however, and may even interact with other medications. Before you embark on a course of nutritional supplementation for skin care, Costhetics urges that you talk things over with your doctor, dermatologist, or other skin care expert.

The bottom line: Safety first, supplements second, a healthy and beautiful you forever.

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